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First American - Installing Java Runtime Environment

Before you can install and configure the First American 1st Pay mSDK Server/Client, the Java Runtime environment must be installed.

Install the Java Runtime Environment by visiting

Click on the "Free Java Download" button. Note that you may see a prompt stating that "We have detected you are using [Web Browser X] and might be unable to use the Java plugin from this browser."

You may disregard this message and press the "Agree and Start Free Download" button.

The Java plugin is only required to install the *.JAR file which is used for communications between the POS Terminal and the First American Payment Pinpad.

Once the Java Runtime Environment setup file has been downloaded, run the setup file and press the "Install >" button.



You may also see a message relating to "Important information about Oracle Java SE Roadmap" - press the "OK" button to dismiss the message.



The Java Runtime Environment will then begin installing.



Once the installation has been completed, you should see a message showing that "You have successfully installed Java".



Press the "Close" button located on the bottom right corner of the window to close the Java Setup.